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  • 3. Payment

Payment Method

Select a preferred payment method for your purchases.
For your convenience, please check your order details before submitting.

Payoff your order by making a deposit at one of the follow bank accounts:
1. EUROBANK ΙΒΑΝ: GR8002603300000100200908150
2. ALPHA BANK - IBAN: GR5501407880788002330003810
3. PIRAEUS BANK - IBAN: GR02 0172 7550 0057 5509 6674 286
4. NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE - IBAN: GR89 0110 2050 0000 2050 1415 853
* Please don't forget to send us feedback of your bank deposit by e-mail!
Payoff your order with credit card, debit card or your prepaid card, via the safe environment of EuroBank where the transaction is completed.
Accepted cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express.

Please fill in all required fields.


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